Games Against War!

Hi! Thanks again for purchasing Here's The Kicker and helping me make a career in games. For those of you that don't yet own Here's The Kicker, good news! We're participating in the Games Against War charity bundle, a cause that's very close to my heart and that has been recently featured on the front page of all of itch!

I'll let VitaGames describe a little about what they do:

'VitaGames is a unique project aimed at helping Ukrainian children to adapt to new environments and overcome the adverse effects of war and immigration. Under the supervision of our project team, which includes software development, psychology, and medical research specialists, children will learn how to create video games. Besides new skills that can be an introduction to a future career, we expect to find a decrease in children's anxiety and depression levels after the VitaGames educational course has been fulfilled.' -VitaGame's Itch bio

As a fellow teacher/tutorial maker of game development content, I'm really happy to get a chance to support this cause.

If that sounds pretty good to you too, please go to the bundle page and purchase to support these wartime children.


-Enemby @ Fractured Mind Games

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