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(1 edit) (+2)

when you're hungry so you go to a surgeon and he looks at you like you're from another planet and charges you $100 for a nutri-bar lol

I wasn't able to figure out all the cures, or if there was any difference between races, but I got some. Seemed like some symptoms were secondary and could be cured by cured by a single treatment. 

Also good music selection but please add enough songs to last through the entire game.

ALSO it's not possible to purchase a $40 treatment when you have only $40 (greater than issue?)

(5 edits) (+1)

Good notes, thanks!

Due to the rushed nature of things, Zaurd are the only race currently that have medical differences. It has to do with having no stomach.

EDIT: This has all been patched

EDIT EDIT: This is no longer how racial differences work in the next patch. Read the notes in the warehouse to get tips on the differences between races.