Hi! Thanks again for purchasing Here's The Kicker and helping me make a career in games. For those of you that don't yet own Here's The Kicker, good news! We're...
I've made some changes to the storefront page of Here's The Kicker. My hope is that it is significantly more appealing. The balloon background is an edit of thi...
Guess what! You players are already finishing the game, and with it, going such insane speeds that the game can't keep up! Now, that sounds really fun but shoul...
Hey guys, Here's The Kicker is out! It'll eventually be out on itch.io for PC, Linux, and Web as well, so be hyped for that! In the meantime though, if you want...
New version of Here's The Kicker! This is the release version with all launch content. Let's talk changes: -Complete rebalance of the shop and prices, grind is...
New version of Here's The Kicker! This version represents the 'final' mechanical version. There's still content to add/change, but code wise the game is complet...
Hey! New patch for Here's The Kicker, Pending full release: New features: Challenges you can complete for extra points New kickables: Baseball, Basketball, Ball...